Here is a picture of my baby chickens, well actually they are more like teenagers now. I ordered them in the mail thinking I was going to get hens. Now the count is 8 roosters 10 hens. The interesting thing about roosters is their need to be vocal and they all have unique voices. Amilo will start the morning chorus and then each and every rooster will chime in. I think Rocky has the nicest crow. As the roosters age they also are starting to fight with each other. The silkies Beefy and Moutzy are like Chuck Noris or ninja warriors. They will bow to each other and then its on, jumping in the air doing back flips and drop kicking each other. Rocky the bright colored rooster in front of the pumpkin is by far the largest and the most colorful. If there is a confrontation he merely puffs out his neck feathers and they all run away. So I'm praying that since they were brought up together they will find their pecking order and all get along. I have become attached to all of them and would hate for any of them to get killed in a fight to the death. Testosterone is a powerful hormone that makes all male species want to kick each others ass be it over a spot on the hay bale or the fluffy feathers of a cute hen. It is interesting to me how you can learn so much about us humans and our characteristics when watching little chicks mature.
The other project THE STUDIO is progressing slowly. Now that winter is upon us we have to get the outside protected against the frost and heat in the inside. We are trying to get gas brought up to the building, but like everything there are hoops to jump through to get that done. We did get the toilet hooked up So Yea I can go to the bathroom inside not in the field with the horses.